Burger Week
Burger Week
July 22 to 28, 2024 is Prairie Gateway Tourism Burger Week! 9 participating restaurants have created delicious specialty burgers that will be available for one week only.
How do the restaurants win? When a customer orders a burger, they sign a card and slip it into the promotional box. At the end of the week, the order cards will be counted and the restaurant who received the most burger orders will WIN! For an additional chance to win a merch package and vote for the restaurant who is serving your favourite burger during the week, click here.
How do the customers win? Each time a customer orders one of the featured burgers and puts the signed card into the promotional box, they will be entered to win a merch package. Plus, pick up a Burger Week Passport at any of the participating restaurants and purchase at least 5 of the 9 participating burgers. Ask a staff member to sign the passport in the space pertaining to their location. Completed passports are to be dropped off to the Virden Town Office (236 Wellington Street West) by 11:30 am on Monday July 29 for a chance to win one free burger from each participating restaurant. Customers are encouraged to share their Burger Week burgers on social media by tagging Prairie Gateway Tourism (@prairiegatewaytourism) and using #exploreprairiegateway for an additional chance to win a merch package.