The Manitoba Antique Automobile Museum

Along the Trans-Canada Highway at Elkhorn is a collection of rare, antique automobiles, vintage agricultural equipment and quirky memorabilia so unique that you’ll cease second-guessing the sanity of your decision to drive across the Prairies in the heat of the summer to check it out.
A red 1930 American Austin miniature car greets you in the lobby along with a taxidermy two-headed calf, and vintage photos of local curling and baseball teams, 4-H clubs and threshing bees.
Through a second set of doors is where the automotive-history experience begins: An exotic collection of 80 vehicles awaits, including a 1902 Holsman, a 1909 Hupmobile, and one of the largest collections of original McLaughlin Motor Cars in Canada. You’ll also find a horse- drawn hearse on skis for the winter, a 1955 Packard, and plenty more.
This museum owes its existence to founder Isaac (Ike) Clarkson, a local farmer who passionately wanted to preserve a mechanical record of his times. With more than 120 antique automobiles, pioneer tools and a steam engine, this museum is one of a kind.
The museum is open daily from May to September, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. For more information about the museum, rates, tours and events, visit the museum’s Facebook page.