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The communities of Virden, Elkhorn, and Kenton, Manitoba are well serviced by both local businesses and established national chains, offering a complete range of products and services.
447-7th Avenue South Virden, MB
Christy Gabrielle
Toll-Free 1-833-694-2634
Prairie Gateway Tourism Region, MB
Geocaching is an activity that has been around for many years, however in recent times it has grown greatly in popularity. This worldwide adventure sport uses a GPS device to hide and seek hidden containers called geocaches. There are millions of geocaches around the world and we are lucky to have many located in the Prairie Gateway Tourism region. A typical geocache is a small, waterproof container that includes a logbook. Some containers hold small trinkets or tiny items of little monetary value.
Once you are all set up, it is time to begin searching for geocaches! Use to search for caches that are nearby, in a certain area or by using a geo code. It is encouraged for beginners to start with traditional geocaches, which will contain a log book and treasures. To help with growing your geocache searching skills, regular and large size caches are a great starting point. Each geocache also has a rating from 0 to 5 and the higher the number, the more difficult the geocache will be to find.
It is encouraged that before hiding your first geocache to search out and find many. Hiding a cache is a major milestone that creates a connection with a large, expansive community that creates a memorable experience.
How to Get Started with Geocaching
• Access to a smart phone or a portable GPS unit is required.
• Register for a free, basic membership at
• If using a smart phone, download the Geocaching app. This app requires significant battery power and a portable battery or vehicle charging cord may be helpful.
• Having a pen or pencil handy will help with recording your finds in the log books.
• Small trinkets in new condition are encouraged. The protocol is to leave an item of the same or greater value as you have taken from the location.